歡迎您來到 KU聯盟營銷平臺 

我們為全球華人提供購物,教學,傳媒,投資,創業等多元化資訊,KU8 聯盟網 擁有最先進和完善的聯盟營銷營運系統和模式 ,是連接生活及開發中英文雙語市場的契機。





五大輪播廣告選自於 KU8 商城的銷售頁(Landing page), 是 KU8平臺的一道亮麗風景線, 歡迎全球頂尖產品入圍 KU8 商城,經挑選後可免費上架。

2, KU8商城

KU8商城 囊括購物,教學,投資,創業,免費知識庫等多元化產品,分為 熱門推薦 和 主題知識庫(免費贈品)二大類 ,瀏覽全部商品 請點擊右上方 “More”; 實體產品 如: 韓國 東星瑯絲曲酸 祛斑霜韓國 JM 海洋珍珠面膜馬油奇跡霜 等等;知識型產品 如: 招工啟示,網賺教學課程,綫上密訓和生活咨詢的電子書等。

3, Ku8酷 Media 傳媒

Ku8酷 Media 傳媒 層出不窮的文章歸集為投資、行銷、商機、人物、房產、娛樂、旅遊、移民、法律、時事、教育、生活、等欄目。 歡迎大家共享好文,學習商道,參與投稿; Ku8酷 Media 傳媒也是鏈接 亞太市場和全世界的一個窗口。

4,KU8 養生網



呈現 雙贏在雲端,結緣網業,健康美麗市場  三大主題。

6, 客服中心

客服- 你我之間溝通的橋樑,一起學習與成長。

網業方興 , 始於足下  !


Welcome everyone!

KU8 AM is where we have the most advanced network power system. We provide shopping, learning, teaching, media, investment, entrepreneurship and other diversified areas as a new platform, as well as help to connect life information and business opportunities to the world, but also willing to develop bilingual market in English and Chinese.

Our Philosophy

Integrity-based and service-oriented, we aim to carry forward the broad values of Chinese traditional culture, which are benevolence, justice, reason, and wisdom.

Our Brand

1.The Five Major Rotation Ads

The five, bright automatic rotation ads (also known as the landing page) are selected from the KU8 mall.  Each product can be on the rotation ads, and only the best products are welcome.  After being selected, the best product will be promoted free of charge as well as connecting to the World.

2.KU8 Mall

KU8 mall includes shopping, learning, teaching, investment, entrepreneurship and other diversified products which are divided into popular recommendations and free gifts. (If you want to view all the items, click “More” at the top right.)

Tangible products:  water cups, beauty sticks, masks, apple stem cells and so on.

Knowledge-based products (free gifts):  job openings, teaching courses, secret training, e-books, etc.

3. Ku8  Media

An endless stream of articles is devoted to investment, marketing, business, people, real estate, entertainment, tourism, immigration, law, current affairs, education, life, etc. You are welcome to read articles, learn business, and participate in submission.  Ku8  Media is also connected to Asia and the world!

4.Health Network

Our health network presents five thousand years of traditional culture, the wisdom of our ancestors, comprehension of the essence of nature, and ancient Chinese medicine.

5.Customer Service Center

Our customer service center is the bridge between us. Let’s grow and learn!


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